What's Hot in Enterprise IT/VC - Issue #61
while Cryptomania is pervasive, this week’s newsletter has lots of nuggets of wisdom for scaling startups - fundraising from Kevin Ryan, overcoming failure from Bob Muglia, and the different types of product managers you may need - Happy Holidays!
Scaling Startups
Step-by-Step Fundraising Tactics from the NYC Legend Who Raised $750M | First Round Review
great post on Kevin Ryan’s (fellow coinvestor in Security Scorecard) tactics for raising funds - he’s founder/chairman of Doubleclick, MongoDB, Gilt Groupe, etc
How Snowflake CEO Bob Muglia triumphed over his career crashes - Business Insider
great article on how Bob overcame setbacks to find his groove - “He found his bootstraps and positive attitude and took the lessons he learned — good and bad — to his first CEO role.”
www.businessinsider.com • Share
The 6 types of Product Managers. Which one do you need?
Solid post from Catherine Ulrich (FirstMark) on the different types of product managers and who may be best for your company
great post as always from Fred Wilson on how VCs have to serve different roles depending on the company and its needs
Enterprise Tech
Scoop: Amazon in talks to buy cybersecurity startup Sqrrl - Axios
if you are an infrastructure startup don’t bet on selling to Amazon or AWS, it won’t be a great exit for you. if this is true, the trend continues - AWS will not pay up for startups - Scoop: Amazon in talks to buy cybersecurity startup Sqrrl via @axios
Kubernetes Trends at KubeCon 2017 – manifoldco
solid overview of trends on K8s from portfolio co Manifold
Sequoia's reportedly raising a new $6 billion fund - Business Insider
Mega, mega is next step - pressure from Softbank Vision Fund forcing some of larger VCs to respond
www.businessinsider.com • Share
Goldman Is Setting Up a Cryptocurrency Trading Desk - Bloomberg
Whoa - crypto going mainstream depsite the massive crash in last 2 days
This pizza stock has outperformed Apple, Amazon, Google and Netflix
Dominos, yes Dominos - went all tech and is crushing it, great example of how every company is a tech company ,more software devs than anyone else in company now
4 Tactical Moves to Elevate Your Business’ Cybersecurity Program | HuffPost
Aleksander Yampolskiy, CEO + Cofounder of SecurityScorecard (portfolio co) riffs on taking your cybersecurity program to the next level
www.huffingtonpost.com • Share
By Ed Sim
Ed Sim's weekly readings and notes on VC, software, and scaling startups - #enterprise #seed #DeveloperFirst #IntelligentAutomation #DataInfra #CloudNative #Cybersecurity
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