What's Hot in Enterprise IT/VC - Issue #91
This week it’s all about automation, security and cloud plus a few solid reads on what makes great leaders and why B2B (i never liked that word - let’s use enterprise) startups rock
Scaling Startups
Why I Love B2B over B2C for Startups and Entrepreneurs - Atrium
this is been getting lots of buzz in twittersphere - and yes I agree with all of this
Why introverts make great leaders
food for thought, your view of an introvert is likely wrong and turns out they make great leaders
Enterprise Tech
UiPath Leads RPA Market with Unmatched Customer Adoption
RPA and automation is hot, UIPath is on fire - The company has grown 238 percent in the first half of the year, crossing $100 million in annual recurring revenue. More than 1,500 customers are now using UiPath’s Enterprise RPA platform.
Russia, North Korea, Hackers: What Cyber 9/11 Would Mean for US | Fortune
“Scary scenario is non-state actors getting hold of these capabilities, and attacking the air traffic control system and the energy system.”
#3: OSS Business Model Progressions – Open Consensus – Medium
if you are thinking about open source business models, must read on evolution from services to open core
Walmart CIO Looks to Microsoft Cloud as Vehicle in Digital Race - CIO Journal. - WSJ
not a surprise move as Amazon is arch enemy; however what’s interesting is the bundling of all products - Cortana for chatbots etc which looks like the “one throat to choke” model coming back and less room for startups at these larger cos
‘Big Red Flag’: Automakers’ Trade Secrets Exposed in Data Leak - The New York Times
third party vendor security is a must have as we get more and more connected (shameless plug for portfolio co Security Scorecard) - A small contractor’s unguarded server accidentally revealed a trove of corporate documents from Tesla, Toyota, Volkswagen and other manufacturers.
Autodesk’s Lego model-building robot is the future of manufacturing
big idea - self learning and dexterity - “The software giant’s BrickBot project shows how robots can learn to autonomously do complex tasks. For now it’s with Legos. The next step is in factories.”
Health Insurers Are Vacuuming Up Details About You —… — ProPublica
just how much data are health orgs gathering on us and what are the implications?
Early Stage VCs - Be Careful Out There - Feld Thoughts
Brad Feld at Foundry has thoughtful advice on pricing of seed rounds and how things could end badly
First Look At Tenable's IPO - Tenable Holdings (Pending:TENB) | Seeking Alpha
Tenable looking to go out this week, cyber security continues to be hot, looking to raise over $150mm
By Ed Sim
Ed Sim's weekly readings and notes on VC, software, and scaling startups - #enterprise #seed #DeveloperFirst #IntelligentAutomation #DataInfra #CloudNative #Cybersecurity
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