What's Hot in Enterprise IT/VC - Issue #70
this week is about scaling startups and helping entrepreneurs think through what a CEO does as their company scales (see Mathilde from Front post - portfolio co), 5 things Jeff Haynie (Pinpoint - portfolio co, former Appcelerator) would do differently in his new company, and how VC firms look at SaaS metrics as companies raise Series A, B and C rounds; also a fascinating read on a quantum internet
Scaling Startups
What does the CEO of Front do? – Mathilde Collin – Medium
Must read from Mathilde at Front on how her role as CEO has changed as she has scaled the company (Front is a boldstart co)
Five things I will do different for my next startup
Must read for founders of enterprise startups from Jeff Haynie (Pinpoint and former appcelerator) - Appcelerator was not my first startup and certainly I hope not the last. We learned a ton from it and we made a lot of great decisions and certainly a share of bad ones — like all startups. Here’s…
What does it take to raise capital, in SaaS, in 2018?
solid survey data on what it takes to raise a Series A, B, C in SaaS land from Christopher Janz at Point Nine Capital
Enterprise Tech
Is DevOps Ready for a 'Steam' Moment? - DevOps.com
great post from Peter Cho (ex-Heroku and Manifold.co - portfolio co) on need for open dev services marketplace independent of cloud provider
The quantum internet has arrived (and it hasn’t
fascinating article on quantum networks, not quantum computers and what is possible with this breakthrough - Networks that harness entanglement and teleportation could enable leaps in security, computing and science.
Learning with Privacy at Scale - Apple
Differential privacy will be big in coming years due to #GDPR and @Apple is one of the best at learning at scale - read on to understand their methodology
machinelearning.apple.com • Share
Tech companies should stop pretending AI won’t destroy jobs - MIT Technology Review
which side of the debate are you on? also why he thinks China is way ahead of US on AI
www.technologyreview.com • Share
He Predicted The 2016 Fake News Crisis. Now He's Worried About An Information Apocalypse.
use of AI for laser phishing attacks coming - scary thought - “Then there’s automated laser phishing, a tactic Ovadya notes security researchers are already whispering about. Essentially, it’s using AI to scan things, like our social media presences, and craft false but believable messages from people we know. The game changer, according to Ovadya, is that something like laser phishing would allow bad actors to target anyone and to create a believable imitation of them using publicly available data.”
Cloud security company Zscaler files for a $100 million IPO - Nasdaq.com
s1 alert - zscaler files on $154mm revenu and 56% YoverY growth, “Zscaler, which provides integrated, cloud-delivered enterprise security services, filed on Friday with the SEC to raise up to $100 million in an.”
By Ed Sim
Ed Sim's weekly readings and notes on VC, software, and scaling startups - #enterprise #seed #DeveloperFirst #IntelligentAutomation #DataInfra #CloudNative #Cybersecurity
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