What's Hot in Enterprise IT/VC - Issue #52
congrats to MongoDB on IPO - closed at $1.6b value on first day showing that open source and databases can grow fast (still need to show the profits) but great sign for NYC Enterprise tech; also this week all about automation of enterprises; GE CIO commenting on using automation to remove drudgery to wall street embracing to augment trading; on the cloud native front Docker gives in and supports Kubernetes - shows power of customers; and finally for all enterprise startups check out the enterprise benchmark data from Openview
Scaling Startups
How Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff Drives Relentless Forward Thinking
great read on Marc Benioff and his unique style and drive to make Salesforce what it is today
fortune.com • Share
Agree - KISS method - keep it simple, 3-4 buckets https://t.co/IgpoH2t5Ji
twitter.com • Share
OpenView Enterprise benchmark data
great data from analyzing over 300 enterprise software companies - net is you have a less than 0.1% chance of reaching $100m ARR in 5 years
benchmarks.openviewpartners.com • Share
Enterprise Tech

well said - automation in enterprise a huge priority
13% increase year over year to $1.9 billion - the replatforming of Corporate America is just beginning
www.highly.co • Share
Robots Are Coming for These Wall Street Jobs
a little sensationalist but trend is right - machine learning moving from back office on wall street to front
The Future of Work — The Information
thought provoking - The Future of Work https://t.co/ZvofFU5TR4 via @theinformation
www.theinformation.com • Share
Serverless computing: economic and architectural impact | the morning paper
great overview of benefits of serverless
Docker gives into inevitable and offers native Kubernetes support | TechCrunch
wow, the customers have spoken - When it comes to container orchestration, it seems clear that Kubernetes, the open source tool developed by Google, has won the battle for operations’ hearts..
techcrunch.com • Share
MongoDB (MDB) IPO: Stock price on first trading day
congrats to MongoDB on 30% jump on IPO; a flagship IPO for infrastructure software in NYC; MongoDB’s database services are popular among software developers.
www.cnbc.com • Share
People told the MongoDB founders they were 'completely crazy' - Business Insider
so they weren’t completely crazy to start an infrastructure co in NYC
www.businessinsider.com • Share
We’ve had a busy and exciting few months since our last newsletter. In August, we announced the creation of Hyperfab, a growth lab for enterprise blockchain and hyperledger fabric. We partnered with IBM and look forward to kicking off the first class with the goal of helping participants leave with real enterprise pilots and use cases.
medium.com • Share
Top 10 Hot Data Security And Privacy Technologies
BigID (portfolio co) listed in several categories in Forrester Research list of the 10 hottest data security and privacy technologies.
www.forbes.com • Share
By Ed Sim
Ed Sim's weekly readings and notes on VC, software, and scaling startups - #enterprise #seed #DeveloperFirst #IntelligentAutomation #DataInfra #CloudNative #Cybersecurity
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