What's Hot in Enterprise IT/VC - Issue #50
lots of news on cloud and blockchain - Oracle Open world where Larry announces their entrance into blockchain and Hyperledger Fabric and how their database is way faster/cheaper than AWS; all enterprise IT at Gartner IT Symposium as Amazon confirms we live in a multi-cloud world…question is what of Oracle’s announcements are real or vaporware!
Enterprise Tech
Gartner’s top 10 technology trends for 2018 - SD Times
Intelligence weaved into every application
Is AI Riding a One-Trick Pony? - MIT Technology Review
Just about every AI advance you’ve heard of depends on a breakthrough that’s three decades old. Keeping up the pace of progress will require confronting AI’s serious limitations.
www.technologyreview.com • Share
Slack locks down Oracle partnership targeting enterprises | Reuters
love that Slack moving more into hard core enterprise with Oracle partnership -
Slack Technologies Inc has secured a partnership with Oracle Corp (ORCL.N) to integrate the tech giant’s enterprise software products into the popular workplace messaging app, the two companies told Reuters.
Oracle climbs on blockchain bandwagon with new cloud service | TechCrunch
Oracle getting behind blockchain and Hyperledger Fabric - Oracle is working hard to be a SaaS vendor that matters, whether with its new autonomous database service or getting involved with blockchain. Today, the..
Cloud Market Not Winner Take All: AWS Chief - CIO Journal. - WSJ
we are living in a multi-cloud world - Most CIOs test the waters with a single cloud provider, simply because it’s easier to manage, AWS Chief Executive Andy Jassy said. But later, many worry about getting “locked in” with one infrastructure provider.
IBM: International Blockchain Model of the future?
why enterprises are working with IBM on Hyperledger Fabric blockchain
Blockchain Technology Applications & Use Cases - Business Insider
First there were Bitcoins, now the largest banks are investing in blockchain technology. See the various current and future uses.
www.businessinsider.com • Share
key - it’s an internal use case, also another win for @hyperledger
“Royal Bank of Canada is experimenting with blockchain to help move payments between its U.S. and Canadian banks, one of the bank’s senior executives told Reuters on Thursday.”
HYPR raises $8 million to prevent another Equifax hack | TechCrunch
decentralized is key here (hypr is a portfolio co) - The recent Equifax hack is yet another reminder that major corporations are still leaving themselves susceptible to attacks. There are countless..
By Ed Sim
Ed Sim's weekly readings and notes on VC, software, and scaling startups - #enterprise #seed #DeveloperFirst #IntelligentAutomation #DataInfra #CloudNative #Cybersecurity
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