What's Hot in Enterprise IT/VC - Issue #46
security is top of mind this week with the massive hack at Equifax and exposing 143 million Social Security numbers, must read at bottom from Dimitri Sirota on BigID on what GDPR means for companies and protecting personally identifiable information, and Splunk rumors abound about being an acquisition target from Symantec and Cisco
what happens to your stock after being hacked!
exposed 143mm Social Security Numbers
Scaling Startups
This Email From Elon Musk to Tesla Employees Describes What Great Communication Looks Like | Inc.com
great email from Elon to his team on removing needless bcc and cc - decentralized decision making to scale your company
www-inc-com.cdn.ampproject.org • Share
Being an LP in the heart of VC – Venture – Medium
how LPs or investors in VC Funds think - Michael Kim leading the charge on investing in Micro VCs
Enterprise Tech
this is about as massive a breach can get- SSNs, driver licenses - this will impact how we may use this identity info going forward
“Equifax said on Thursday that it suffered a major cybersecurity incident that might affect 143 million consumers in the United States.”
will serverless replace containers? - real answer is yes and now
“Innovation in serverless is outpacing the maturing of Kubernetes and other container management tools. This bodes well for serverless and not so well for containers.”
Huawei launches its first A.I. mobile chip with Apple reportedly set to enter market
more AI chips and processing on the edge…
Is Symantec getting ready to buy Splunk? | TechCrunch
Splunk has been in acquisition rumors - Cisco and now Symantec - massive logging company and still growing at a rapid clip
Wikibon's VMworld 2017 trip report: What a difference two years makes - SiliconANGLE
vmware not left for dead - reviving and seems to be positioned as “the sensible strategy is to bring cloud operating models to their data, wherever it resides. VMware is a leader in what Wikibon refers to as True Private Cloud, a solution category that substantially mimics the public cloud on-premises, and customers are buying in.”
The Right to Be Forgotten & the New Era of Personal ...
great post by Dimitri Sirota (cofounder of BigID) on what GDPR and data protection means for companies and customers
By Ed Sim
Ed Sim's weekly readings and notes on VC, software, and scaling startups - #enterprise #seed #DeveloperFirst #IntelligentAutomation #DataInfra #CloudNative #Cybersecurity
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