What's Hot in Enterprise IT/VC - Issue #40
digital transformation march continues, AI on the edge with Qualcomm, polkadot.io and the multichain, and finally Google Glass lives and it’s an enterprise play!
Scaling Startups
Mental Model: Multiply By Zero
is your business an additive or a multiplicative model? great read on understanding what you are and the weakest link in your biz
We all learned in math class that anything times zero is zero. But it’s not just a model that works in math: It also has vast practical application in life.
www.farnamstreetblog.com • Share
Making Good Decisions as a Product Manager – The Black Box of Product Management
all about the decisions product managers make to keep the trains running on time…
While product managers may not build the actual product, they do produce something very tangible for a team: decisions. July 23 update: in retrospect and from feedback, this framework applies to any…
Enterprise Tech
Retail Banks Will Spend 40% Of Their Technology Dollars On Digital Transformation - ARC - ARC
once again, no digital transformation without infrastructure spend
Retail banks technology spend will shift towards digital transformation over the next several years as banks, finally, embrace innovation.
Polkadot: How it could integrate with 4 blockchain networks — and what’s in it for us as developers…
much needed project by Gavin Wood, polkadot.io, creating multichain to connect disparate blockchains, private and public - think ethereum and hyperledger - thanks @Stephan Tual for post
If you are serious about blockchain development beyond PoCs, you will find yourself in a situation where you’ll need to create you own state transition engine. This is where Polkadot comes into play.
Qualcomm opens up its AI optimization software, says dedicated mobile chips are coming - The Verge
AI on edge is coming and will be big - no need to process and analyze everything in cloud
“In the race to get AI working faster on your smartphone, companies are trying all sorts of things. Some, like Microsoft and ARM, are designing new chips that are better suited to run neural…”
IBM’s Watson Won Jeopardy! But Can It Win the New AI Biz?
The game show was a cinch compared to saving Big Blue’s ailing business.
Google Glass 2.0 Is a Startling Second Act- WIRED
it’s an enterprise play of course
“Google Glass flopped. Then Alphabet realized that the future of wearables was in factories and warehouses. Welcome to Google Glass 2.0.”
How to Combine Underwriting With Unbiased Machines to Improve Risk Evaluation - Carrier Management
great article by friend Andy Breen on how machine learning is being used in insurance industry
“Risk assessment has always been one of the most challenging and time-consuming pieces of the underwriting process, but with the help of machine learning”
www.carriermanagement.com • Share
google’s big bet on cloud paying off, focus on machine learning
“Porat told investors that Google is leveraging its infrastructure, distribution and engineering talent to differentiate its products, most notably with machine learning capabilities.”
In Silicon Valley, the Big Venture Funds Keep Getting Bigger - WSJ
exactly why Micro VC market keeps growing as well - too big means too hard to do smaller investments
“Giant venture-capital funds are piling up in Silicon Valley, a sign that foundations, pension funds and endowments are still willing to rush money into the risky startup sector despite lingering concerns about overheated valuations.”
By Ed Sim
Ed Sim's weekly readings and notes on VC, software, and scaling startups - #enterprise #seed #DeveloperFirst #IntelligentAutomation #DataInfra #CloudNative #Cybersecurity
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