What's Hot in Enterprise IT/VC - Issue #150
I’d say this past week had more cyber than others with Snyk raising $70mm from Accel, GV and boldstart (my firm) to bring dev first security to the enterprise, James Kaplan from McKinsey outlines how SaaS companies can provide better security for enterprises, drone strikes on Saudi Arabia’s oil refineries shutting down 50% of the supply, CCPA will go into law on Jan 1, 2020; also a super profile on Daniel Dines, UIPath’s founder/CEO from Alex Konrad in Fortune
Snyk grabs $70M more to detect security vulnerabilities in open-source code and containers
Congrats to Snyk (a boldstart portfolio co) on it’s $70mm Series C led by Accel - shows power of developers and need for security wired into the development process and not after the fact
Scaling Startups
the definition of “land and expand”
Met a customer yesterday who started using Box with 10 people nearly a decade ago. Now they have 80,000 employees using Box. ❤️ to everyone out there making early bets on startups and pushing us every day. 🙏
6:22 PM - 11 Sep 2019
Software as a service and enterprise cybersecurity
well worn path for many SaaS vendors is SME first, then enterprise; however many fail to understand security implications, great read from James Kaplan from McKinsey, also check out Enterpriseready.io from Replicated -“Executives mistrust the security of SaaS: Here is what SaaS providers can do to ensure that their products are secure in the enterprise cybersecurity environment”
Enterprise Tech
From Communism To Coding: How Daniel Dines Of $7 Billion UiPath Became The First Bot Billionaire
amazing profile from Alex Konrad (Forbes) on Daniel Dines at UiPath - “Inside $7 billion UiPath, the cloud company cofounded by new billionaire Daniel Dines, who’s trying to end humdrum office work by providing a "robot for every person.”
Bessemer and Forbes Annual Cloud 100 with Stripe, UiPath, Snowflake and Hashicorp at the top - “The definitive ranking of the private companies to know in tech’s hottest sector. This list of breakout cloud companies ranges from bootstrapped giants to venture capital startup darlings.”
The key to bigger quantum computers could be to build them like Legos
a new approach to quantum - by networking mini quantum devices together to create computers, Quantum Circuits claims it can reduce noise and error rates from qubits and make it easier to scale up than rival machines.
www.technologyreview.com • Share
Here Comes America’s First Privacy Law: What the CCPA Means for Business and Consumers
On Jan. 1, the landmark data law will into effect, subjecting U.S. businesses to a sea change of privacy regulations. After that date, Americans will be able to demand that companies disclose what personal data they have collected about them, and also ask companies to delete that data. The law will severely impact tech giants like Google and Facebook, as well as retailers like Macy’s and Walmart.
One big happy family': How Pivotal will fit back into VMware
quote from Craig McLuckie (cofounder Heptio, sold to VMware) sums up the world of enterprise IT over next few years - “A lot of the significant IT decisions are being pushed into the business itself,” he said. “A lot of modern enterprises are starting to self-identify as software companies. So this old world of ticket-driven IT, where the old interface of developers and the central IT team has been a Jira ticket, is changing. We need to move to a modern, progressive world where everything is API driven.”
Saudi Arabia Shuts Down About Half Its Oil Output After Drone Strikes
the future of warfare, not just nation states making cyber attacks but also drones and use of technology, in this case, rebels shutting down half oil output
Every Fortune 500 is a tech company - Goldman Sachs and McDonalds
Goldman Sachs just hired an AWS executive who was VP Tech as CIO and McDonalds just bought a voice AI company following a $300m acquisition earlier this year
www.theinformation.com • Share
Microservice Devs: Put Down the Particle Accelerator
thoughtful post from Dan Bentley of Windmill (a boldstart co) on why development today needs new tools- What does a Microservice Development Engine look like? It looks more like the build tools of 40 years ago: handling incremental updates to free you to focus on your app, not your build.
another week and another enterprise infra company goes public - Shares of Cloudflare rose 20% today in its first day of trading on the public market, opening trading at $18 after it priced its IPO at $15 a share yesterday and holding steady through the day.
By Ed Sim
Ed Sim's weekly readings and notes on VC, software, and scaling startups - #enterprise #seed #DeveloperFirst #IntelligentAutomation #DataInfra #CloudNative #Cybersecurity
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