What's Hot in Enterprise IT/VC - Issue #148
Favorite reads from this week include Werner Vogels, CTO AWS, looking back on 20 years and moving from monolith to distributed applications along with Datadog’s S-1 broken down by Alex Clayton Spark (amazing numbers), more on multi-cloud and big announcement from VMWare allowing vSphere users to run Kubernetes. Hope everyone has a great end to the summer and looking forward to a 🔥🔥🔥Fall and end to 2019
Scaling Startups
The new $248M round that we just raised was the 6th round of fundraising I’ve been involved in, including an IPO roadshow, between @ThoughtSpot and @Nutanix. I thought I will share a few facts and feelings from the experience:
10:24 AM - 28 Aug 2019
Optimism, ambition, and recruiting. Will this recipe work for your startup too? Yes. In fact you could make the case that it has been the recipe for all great organizations.
2:52 PM - 28 Aug 2019
if you’re wondering why your company may not fit a particular VC firm, Fred Wilson, Union Square Ventures, lays out why every investment needs return the fund potential
Enterprise Tech
great read from AWS CTO Werner Vogels on AWS evolution from monolithic application to modern distributed systems, also huge point on security no longer being sole responsibility of security team, needs to be embedded in development process..
www.allthingsdistributed.com • Share
Don't get locked up into avoiding lock-in
great read and counter-intuitive to prevailing notion but as architecture all about providing options, each decision can create a new lock-in, vendor, product, version, architecture, platform, skills, legal, and mental lock in
The History of Excel: 34 Years of Magic
In an age where “software is eating the world”, what can we learn from the tool that has withstood the test of time?
VMware vSphere goes Kubernetes native
Kubernetes is super hard for large enterprises to understand and manage - this is a huge deal as now more than “500,000 organizations that run vSphere suddenly have the skills necessary to run Kubernetes. Overnight.”
The 2019 Accelerate State of DevOps: Elite performance, productivity, and scaling
DORA and Google Cloud have published the 2019 Accelerate State of DevOps Report.
U.S. Cyberattack Hurt Iran’s Ability to Target Oil Tankers, Officials Say
this is where the real next war is being fought and US increasingly on the offensive - “The strike came on the same day that President Trump called off a retaliatory airstrike against Iran after it shot down an American drone.”
4 Different Approaches for Kubernetes in the Enterprise
if you are still trying to figure out which approach to take with using Kubernetest, here’s a great and simple overview of the choices in the enterprise - ease of use versus fine grained control
Land and expand, amazing efficiency, also love seeing the product evolution, buy the whole enchilada or mix and match - start with narrow wedge and add to mix over time - And this…149% expansion, model works though because of bottom up efficiency to land new customers.In the first 6 months of 2019, ~60% of Datadog’s increase in revenue was attributable to growth from existing customers (thanks Alex Clayton Spark Capital)
By Ed Sim
Ed Sim's weekly readings and notes on VC, software, and scaling startups - #enterprise #seed #DeveloperFirst #IntelligentAutomation #DataInfra #CloudNative #Cybersecurity
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