What's Hot in Enterprise IT/VC - Issue #143
Security top of mind as Phil Venables, former CISO Goldman Sachs, tweets about basic forces of security, McKinsey writing about the need to build security into dev ops process, Joel de la Garza from a16z opines on passwords being dead..again, and data privacy vendors are hot; on public side Google Cloud growing fast, AWS dominant but slowing growth, and are we in a bubble?
Scaling Startups
"Remote work is the new normal for developers"
86% of respondents currently work remotely in some capacity, with ~1/3 working remotely full-time.
43% say the ability to work remotely is a must-have when considering an offer with a company.
4:08 PM - 19 Jul 2019
💯- 2 of our last 3 first check investments had founding teams which were default distributed on day 1, much easier to architect from very beginning than to retrofit later https://t.co/Pb3UgVNnww
12:27 PM - 20 Jul 2019
Study: Immigrants and their kids founded 45% of U.S. Fortune 500 companies
Immigrants and their children have founded 45% of the U.S.’s Fortune 500 companies, according to a new study.
Enterprise Tech
Fundamental Drivers of Information Security Risk. A thread.
As I get older and (hopefully) wiser it has become ever more apparent that all the issues and risks we face arise from a small number of basic “forces”.
6:14 PM - 20 Jul 2019
These manifest in different ways in different contexts - strip away the detail and most issues usually stem from one of these. I don’t claim originality here - some have been said and used by others before me. I’m also not convinced this list is actually complete.
6:14 PM - 20 Jul 2019
read more here for the rest of the chain
The digital enterprises’ cybersecurity | McKinsey
great to see McKinsey telling its Global 2000 clients to wire security earlier into production, security needs to match developer agility
ha, so true, great post from Joel de la Garza of a16z, for myself I’m excited as we have an investment in Hypr which is one of the companies that helps solve this problem - New open standards that shift us to web authentication for devices, rather than online services, may at last help us retire the password.
Fast Software, the Best Software — by Craig Mod
Essay on the benefits of performant software, and how it affects user perception of engineering quality and overall usability
5 data privacy startups cashing in on GDPR
Data privacy has been hot from a market and funding perspective - here are 5 companies profiled including one of ours, BigID, along with others like InCountry, Privitar…
Primer: How Kubernetes Came to Be, What It Is, and Why You Should Care
for those of you who are not up to speed on k8s, here’s a simple overview on on k8s and cloud native computing
In Hong Kong Protests, Faces Become Weapons
this is a bad black mirror episode as “A quest to identify protesters and police officers has people in both groups desperate to protect their anonymity. Some fear a turn toward China-style surveillance.”
Atlassian Announces Fourth Quarter and FY2019
who said you couldn’t build a huge biz going bottom up? Atlasssian cracks $1b revenue for FY 2019 with over 150,000 customers which means an average of $6,666 per customer
are we in a bubble? Price/Sales for 2019 is at 49x for Zoom, 29x for Okta…“Annual revenue growth of 25% or more is a rarity among large U.S. companies—software is about the only place where it exists. But now, even some fans are wondering if valuations are too frothy, as the stocks continue to climb.”
Google Cloud’s run rate is now over $8B – TechCrunch
early 2018 was at $4b run rate and now $8b, I’m also hearing more and more about multi-cloud so will be interesting 2020 ahead
By Ed Sim
Ed Sim's weekly readings and notes on VC, software, and scaling startups - #enterprise #seed #DeveloperFirst #IntelligentAutomation #DataInfra #CloudNative #Cybersecurity
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