What's Hot in Enterprise IT/VC - Issue #134
this week’s theme is on enterprise founders scaling their startups with tips on why discipline is more important than vision, going from a technical to a sales-driven founder, what is product market fit, and what makes a great developer-first company - Happy Memorial Day!
Scaling Startups
20VC: Front's Mathilde Collin on Why Discipline Is More Important Than Vision
Can be quite difficult for founders to maintain culture as companies scale, listen in on how @collinmathilde (full disclosure - a portfolio co) communicates with team and also 1 on 1s - consistency, transparency, clarity
www.thetwentyminutevc.com • Share
a16z Podcast: What Time Is It? From Technical to Product to Sales CEO
how do you go from technical founder to Sales CEO - friend David Ulevitch from a16z shares his experience starting OpenDNS and selling to Cisco and what founders should think about
Fundamentals of Product-Market Fit
what is product-market fit, how do you measure, and where else to read from Andy Sparks - in particular, entrepreneurs should pay attention to Rachleff’s Law of Startup Success:
“The #1 company-killer is lack of market. When a great team meets a lousy market, market wins. When a lousy team meets a great market, market wins. When a great team meets a great market, something special happens.”
Enterprise Tech
Harder, better, faster, stronger: A look back on our developer laws
great read from Ethan Kurzweil and Jenny Gao at Bessemer Venture Partners - excited we share same vision - winning hearts and minds of developers is a great path to enterprise adoption - read on to hear what makes a great dev-first company
Equifax just became the first company to have its outlook downgraded for a cyber attack
just the beginning - it’s also why you need companies like @security_score https://cnb.cx/2VHPmP9 @katefazziniMoody’s said it’s downgrading the outlook for Equifax from stable to negative, citing ongoing fallout from the company’s 2018 data breach.
Primer: The Who, What and Why of Service Mesh - The New Stack
for all of those interested in what a service mesh is and why you may need, this article covers it (Envoy, Istio) - “A service mesh is a way to increase the observability, resilience and security in a large-scale containerized application. “Part of the attraction for working with a service mesh is that you get all three in one,” explains Varun Talwar, CEO of Tetrate and one of the creators of Istio.
Cisco Held Preliminary Acquisition Talks With Cloud Startup HashiCorp
it will be interesting to see how Cisco evolves as everything moves to the cloud, they’ve been looking into more and more dev-first infrastructure cos and case in point - “Cisco Systems held preliminary discussions recently with HashiCorp about an acquisition of the startup whose software manages applications running across multiple cloud providers, according to three people with direct knowledge of the talks. The talks, which took place over a month ago, don’t …"ez
www.theinformation.com • Share
Snyk Voted Next European Unicorn for B2B Enterprise
Congrats to Snyk (a portfolio co) for being recognized as a ‘Next European Unicorn’ at the 2019 Vivatech Awards. “We won the category as a result of Snyk’s innovative approach to helping enterprises secure their complete software development life cycle, enabling developers to successfully secure their open source components and maintain speed of delivery; our rapid growth over the last several years; and in recognition of our commitment to supporting the open source community.
By Ed Sim
Ed Sim's weekly readings and notes on VC, software, and scaling startups - #enterprise #seed #DeveloperFirst #IntelligentAutomation #DataInfra #CloudNative #Cybersecurity
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