What's Hot in Enterprise IT/VC - Issue #127
great lessons from early Airbnb employee applicable to all startups, fin svces firms like Goldman open-sourcing some of their code and Jamie Dimon (JPM Chase) annual letter highlighting cloud and importance of cyber security, awesome slides from James Watters of Pivotal on how Spring and Kafka enabling a new data driven enterprise
Scaling Startups
What seven years at Airbnb taught me about building a company
many of these lessons equally apply to enterprise - great read on building an enduring culture, nailing the problem statement, thinking big and more…
medium.com • Share
Enterprise Tech
Jamie Dimon: Cyber security threats may be the 'biggest threat to the U.S. financial system'
must read JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon letter to shareholders - pages 34 and 35 - warns of cyber threats, while also addressing data privacy and importance of cloud
Atlassian, a Software Outlier, Grows Up
@Atlassian quietly crushing in developer market, $25.7 billion market cap, who would have believed you could build this huge a company on the back of average ARR of $7k per customer
www.theinformation.com • Share
James Watters Kafka Summit NYC 2019 Keynote
great slides from friend James Watters on how Spring Boot and Kafka enabling a new event-driven enterprise: The New Enterprise Platform
Goldman’s Trading Floor Is Going Open-Source—Kind of
the world is an API - great to see @GoldmanSachs taking step to be more open, putting code on Github, we are seeing more and more Fortune 500s doing this - #developer.insertfortune500.com - Goldman Sachs plans to let outside engineers tinker with some of the code that its traders use to price securities, and analyze and manage risk.
www.wsj.com • Share
Demand Soaring for Amazon AI Services? Not So Fast — The Information
Last year, one prominent AI service from AWS known as SageMaker generated only around $11 million in sales to customers in the commercial sector, according to two people with knowledge of the business. That represented less than 0.05% of the $25.66 billion in total AWS revenue for 2018. Sales from other, more specialized AI services from AWS were even smaller.
www.theinformation.com • Share
Lyft is threatening litigation against Morgan Stanley, accusing the firm of supporting short-selling
while not an enterprise company, this is important to read as it applies to any IPO - In a letter sent to Morgan Stanley on April 2, Lyft questioned the firm about its role in helping market certain products that would help pre-IPO investors bet against the stock.
www.cnbc.com • Share
Blockdaemon Update: Lerer Hippeau, Node-Marketplace, BYOI & Algorand
Despite the nuclear winter in blockchain land, core infrastructure is needed as enterprises starting to test and deploy - congrats @konstantin11 @_blockdaemon
blockdaemon.com • Share
By Ed Sim
Ed Sim's weekly readings and notes on VC, software, and scaling startups - #enterprise #seed #DeveloperFirst #IntelligentAutomation #DataInfra #CloudNative #Cybersecurity
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