What's Hot in Enterprise IT/VC - Issue #126
great read on average lifespan of company on S&P 500 - yes, it’s shrinking rapidly which leads to why companies like McDonalds shelled out $300mm for an AI startup to customize menus, KPMG survey on Intelligent Automation once again points to corporate need for digital transformation, Zoom IPO breakdown shows amazing metrics for one of fastest growing SaaS companies, robotics from Boston Dynamics new pallet loader/unloader and Google’s approach driven by software and ML
creative destruction at its finest - Lifespan on S&P 500 shrinking quickly - every company needs to be a tech company if they still want to be on S&P 500 10 years from now
Scaling Startups
Startups are so brutal. While one founder is speaking at conferences and writing thinkpieces, a competitor might be closing all the customers by hand and cleaning up the space.
That first founder will only find out a year later when they find they are far behind on market share
12:10 AM - 29 Mar 2019
Enterprise Tech
McDonald's signs its largest deal in 20 years, acquiring tech to personalize the drive-thru menus
Big Macs and Big Data - This is why we r so excited about what’s ahead in enterprise tech, every Fortune 500 is a tech co + building their own apps + modernizing their stack, we r still just in 2nd inning, also the enterprise sales motion has changed - win ❤️- and 🧠 of devs to win enterprise deals - “McDonald’s signs its largest deal in 20 years, acquiring tech to personalize the drive-thru menus”
Intelligent automation taking over industries with walk, don't run approach
Still early days with respect to IA or RPA - great overview on where market is from KPMG Survey here
post Series B round, we like our companies to start looking at metrics for percent of spend on R&D, sales and marketing, G&A as benchmarked across similar growing companies - Zoom has a huge competitive advantage and they have a large R&D presence in China - however, given the tenuous relationship between the US and China this will be interesting to see if this backfires in the coming years
Inside Google’s Rebooted Robotics Program
While the machines may not be as eye-catching as humanoid robots, Google researchers believe that the subtly more advanced technology inside them gives them more potential in the real world. The company is developing ways for these robots to learn skills on their own, like sorting through a bin of unfamiliar objects or navigating a warehouse filled with unexpected obstacles.
Handle Robot Reimagined for Logistics
future of work? Boston Dynamics new mechanical ostrich loading/unload pallets - not ready to be put into warehouses with humans yet, but technology to make this safe will be huge for the future
The Risks of Marrying ‘Smart’ Technology With ‘Dumb’ Machines
problems with cyber-physical systems and digital retrofits are just beginning - The 737 MAX crashes have put the spotlight on digital retrofits to older equipment—a new realm of vulnerabilities for tech and safety experts.
breakdown from Alex Clayton at Spark Capital - all I can say is amazing metrics on every front!
How Tech Unicorns Are Raking In Cash but Losing Big Money
great read on the amazing growth but lack of profits for the IPO class of 2019 - cloudflare, palantir, Lyft, Pinterest, Palantir, and Slack
Big Brother is watching...
Wow! China Airport face recognition systems to help you check your flight status and find the way to your gate. Note I did not input anything, it accurately identified my full flight information from my face! https://t.co/5ASdrwA7wj
5:00 AM - 24 Mar 2019
By Ed Sim
Ed Sim's weekly readings and notes on VC, software, and scaling startups - #enterprise #seed #DeveloperFirst #IntelligentAutomation #DataInfra #CloudNative #Cybersecurity
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