What's Hot in Enterprise IT/VC - Issue #122
This is the week of in-depth reports with Snyk giving us an overview on the State of Open Source Security, Rightscale on cloud and applications used, Stackshare with the Top 50 Dev tools, and Momentum Cyber with the year in review pre-RSA which is next week, also don’t forget enterprise software sales can be hazardous to your health as Box earnings recently showed
Warning - enterprise software is amazing but can be hazardous to your health, as the deals get bigger and bigger, predictability and time to close becomes much harder and longer - Box took a huge hit, down 20% based on latest earnings
Every Fortune 500 is a tech company or it won’t be in the Fortune 500 for long... https://t.co/0fHDQNWCnE
6:30 PM - 28 Feb 2019
J.P. Morgan tweet below encapsulates that thought
#Tech is more ingrained in business than ever before. $JPM's CIO Lori Beer discusses how to stay ahead of the curve and drive business results.
12:00 PM - 28 Feb 2019
Scaling Startups
great post by FirstMark Capital’s Matt Turck on how to scale an AI startup and in particular an AI-first company which means - “AI-first” startups are startups whose product simply could not function without AI at its core, whether they serve consumers or enterprises. AI is front, left and center.“
How to run an efficient and effective All Hands meeting
some great suggestions in here from Mathilde Collin (Front - full disclosure, boldstart investment) on a great weekly meeting - report on OKRs, share a customer story to help company be customer-centric and more goodies and all done under 30 minutes
Enterprise Tech
State of Open Source Security by Snyk
Must read - The state of open source security report - 2019 by Snyk (full disclosure, boldstart investment) will cover: open source adoption, vulnerability identification, known vulnerabilities and more - “81% believe developers should own security, but they aren’t well-equipped” - Security is more that ever a developer-first focus.“
🏆 The Top 50 Developer Tools of 2018
Docusaurus, Haiku and Prisma were top 3 new tools for the year - read on for more categories and to see what is trending
10 key takeaways from the RightScale 2019 State of the Cloud report
State of cloud - azure gaining ground on AWS, cost is a huge concern for enterprises, multi cloud use is big, serverless is hot…
CYBERSECURITY ALMANAC | 2019 – Momentum Cyber
must read on cybersecurity year in review from Momentum Cyber, super comprehensive from public multiples, M&A, and venture financings
As AWS Use Soars, Companies Surprised by Cloud Bills
AWS cloud bills starting to soar, interesting that many startups were funded years ago on cloud optimization and billing and now years later it’s coming into focus - this is a big problem…
www.theinformation.com • Share
The Great Migration: from Monolith to Service-Oriented https://t.co/f8my4y5qkP via @InfoQ <--notes from Airbnb move from Rails monolith to Java services + @apachekafka
3:28 PM - 27 Feb 2019
Innovation That Puts Customers First
must-read interview from friend Chuck Knostman of T-Mobile on how going cloud native with Pivotal changed the release velocity of new code and how that enabled them to better server their customers
China Uses DNA to Track Its People, With the Help of American Expertise
absolutely frightening - The Chinese authorities turned to a Massachusetts company and a prominent Yale researcher as they built an enormous system of surveillance and control. hat tip Robert Hackett at Fortune
Microsoft bringing Dynamics 365 mixed reality solutions to smartphones – TechCrunch
AR coming to the phone, great for remote assistance, manufacturing, field service professionals
Why fears about MongoDB are unfounded
MongoDB dropped 9% based on a Nomura analyst concern about Lyft going all in on AWS - however, “it’s not really what’s at stake with Lyft’s decision to go "all in” on AWS. That decision almost certainly has nothing to do with MongoDB. Yes, MongoDB might be a casualty as Lyft seeks to run more of its infrastructure services with the cloud leader, but in this scenario MongoDB isn’t a particular target—it’s just collateral damage.“
Dark launches - reinventing software development
Must read on how Dark will make coding 100x easier, allowing a billion people to build software - yes a huge challenge and requires a fundamental rewrite of software - #proudinvestor - Dark is a holistic programming language, structured editor, and infrastructure, for building backend web services. It’s aimed at frontend, backend, and mobile engineers. Our goal is to make coding…
By Ed Sim
Ed Sim's weekly readings and notes on VC, software, and scaling startups - #enterprise #seed #DeveloperFirst #IntelligentAutomation #DataInfra #CloudNative #Cybersecurity
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