What's Hot in Enterprise IT/VC - Issue #119
best reads for the week are around scaling startups from the founder of Gumroad who “failed to build a billion dollar company” and what he learned to Bessemer Venture Partners’ State of the Cloud report and Mark Suster’s review of the Venture Market ahead
Chicago RPA startup Catalytic hauls in $30M Series B
Congrats to portfolio co @catalytic on $30m Series B led by @intelcapital - excited about what’s ahead as focus continues on intelligent automation aimed at unstructured data
Scaling Startups
Reflecting on My Failure to Build a Billion-Dollar Company
not every company should be venture funded and sometimes it can be a curse and not a blessing - great read from Gumroad founder
State of the Cloud 2019 · Bessemer Venture Partners
must read slides on “What goes into building an enduring cloud business?” - great metrics and a “what’s ahead” section - great to see we’re on same page with Low Code, No Code (see the Business Insider article on my thoughts from last year)
Is vc still a thing - slides from Mark Suster, Upfront
A look at the Venture Capital industry heading into 2020. Some have questioned whether the industry has a future.
Enterprise Tech
Could Machines Learn Like Humans - Yann LeCun - Facebook AI Research
layout of current state of art for ml and deep learning (hat tip Gayatri Khot)
Flaws in testing may be real source of Wells Fargo's tech failure
Wells Fargo down for 48 hours, ATMs, credit cards, banking - some point to flaws in testing as a backup did not automatically kick in
www.americanbanker.com • Share
Biohackers Encoded Malware in a Strand of DNA
simply insane for us to think about - yes, hackers in DNA strands! - Researchers planted a working hacker exploit in a physical strand of DNA.
8 Predictions For The Future, The 3D Revolution, Overheard At Davos, & More. Issue #8 | Revue
great read from Scott Belsky, founder of Behance, sold to Adobe, and what the future may hold, particularly for design
digest.scottbelsky.com • Share
The next integration evolution — blockchain
forget about payments, unlocking intercompany data sharing and integration could be one of better use cases
Peter Thiel’s Secretive Data Giant Palantir Finally Raking in Cash
The tech company posted a jump in business in 2018—about $880 million in revenue, up from about $600 million—as it prepares for a long-awaited public offering.
Fortnite’s Marshmello concert was a bizarre and exciting glimpse of the future
as an avid enterprise fan, you may not know Fortnite or Marshmello but the idea of a concert inside of a video game is absolutely nuts…read on - Fortnite’s live in-game concert was a shockingly stunning sight to behold, and it was also an unprecedented moment in gaming. It truly felt like a glimpse into the future of interactive entertainment, where the worlds of gaming, music, and celebrity combined to create a virtual experience we’ve never quite seen before.
By Ed Sim
Ed Sim's weekly readings and notes on VC, software, and scaling startups - #enterprise #seed #DeveloperFirst #IntelligentAutomation #DataInfra #CloudNative #Cybersecurity
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