What's Hot in Enterprise IT/VC - Issue #104
my faves this week are around scaling your first enterprise customers from Martin Casado a16z, Grant Miller of replicated interviewing Tom Preston-Werner co-founder of Github of early days and growth from devs to teams to enterprises and modern-on prem; big week for public cos with Twilio buying Sendgrid, Anaplan IPO, and Qualtrics filing, and some cooler tech reads on 5G and China and the need to understand how the brain works to deliver better AI; also huge congrats to Dropout Labs on its official launch for secure, privacy-preserving machine learning
Scaling Startups
great advice by @martin_casado on finding your first enterprise customers; love the ethos, our nuance is we like to think of it as partnering, i.e. "enterprise design partnerships" because of the give and take necessary for success
https://t.co/yN3YjatI3k https://t.co/sCBncpg864
10:42 AM - 20 Oct 2018
EnterpriseReady | Ep. #2, The Early Days of GitHub with Tom Preston-Werner | Heavybit
must listen podcast from Grant Miller co-founder/CEO of replicated (a boldstart co) with Github co-founder Tom Preston-Werner on Github how it rose up to become an essential coding resource for developers everywhere, from individuals to teams to modern on-prem deployments
Enterprise Tech
GitHub launches Actions, its workflow automation tool – TechCrunch
world is moving towards automation, Github has the source code/data and now helping devs get more work done - “Actions allow developers to not just host code on the platform but also run it. We’re not talking about a new cloud to rival AWS here, but instead about something more akin to a very flexible IFTTT for developers who want to automate their development workflows, whether that is sending notifications or building a full continuous integration and delivery pipeline”
Gartner picks digital ethics and privacy as a strategic trend for 2019 – TechCrunch
amazing how privacy and ethics have risen to prominence in Gartner’s new emerging trends landscape - big year for GDPR and privacy machine learning ahead
Jeff Hawkins Is Finally Ready to Explain His Brain Research - The New York Times
in order to understand and build general AI you need to explain human intelligence to create machines that work like the brain - must read if interested in this groundbreaking research from Jeff Hawkins whocreated the mobile computing companies Palm and Handspring. But for decades his passion has been studying how the human brain works.
fascinating article on impact of 5G in China and the rest of the world - also how it could create a more advanced digital foundation for the world’s second-largest economy
Blockchain: Advice for Businesses Considering Bitcoin-Inspired Tech | Fortune
solid advice from executives at consulting firm Accenture and JPMorgan Chase bank - focus on the business problem not blockchain or the tech
Twilio acquires cloud email services provider SendGrid for $2B - SiliconANGLE
wow - devs rule - Twilio acquires cloud email services provider SendGrid for $2B to create leading messaging messaging platform for devs
Xconomy: Post-IPO Chat With CEO of Anaplan as Its Trading Price Surge Holds
Enterprise planning software company Anaplan pulled off its IPO in the middle of a broad market slump last week—raising $263.5 million—and its 43% gains held
Qualtrics has filed to go public, just weeks after competitor SurveyMonkey debuted on the Nasdaq. Qualtrics is bigger and growing faster than its rival.
Secretive Data Company Palantir Weighs Giant Public Offering - WSJ
Data-mining giant Palantir Technologies is weighing an initial public offering likely to be among the largest in recent years.
Introducing Dropout Labs – Dropout Labs – Medium
Super excited for the team at Dropout Labs - “We’re pleased to introduce Dropout Labs, a company focused on secure, privacy-preserving machine learning. Today, data privacy and artificial intelligence are at odds because of the massive amount of…
The New Era of Continuous Privacy Compliance
more about how to operationalize for GDPR, time to move from surveys to data based analysis from portfolio co BigID
By Ed Sim
Ed Sim's weekly readings and notes on VC, software, and scaling startups - #enterprise #seed #DeveloperFirst #IntelligentAutomation #DataInfra #CloudNative #Cybersecurity
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