Ed Sim - Issue #7
Scaling startups
What’s the Second Job of a Startup CEO?What’s the Second Job of a Startup CEO? – Y Combinator
highly recommend - building team and mission is critical!
When startup CEOs start to scale their companies, they need to redefine themselves and their roles or risk stunting the potential of their startups.
blog.ycombinator.com • Share
Infrastructure and Dev
Parity Check: The Software Budget's Appetite Kept in Check by the Bottom Line - The New Stack
interesting view of reallocation of IT Budgets
thenewstack.io • Share
AWS wants to dominate beyond the public cloud with Lambda updates - Computerworld
significant updates on Lambda - moving to edge and also chaining functions together…
www.computerworld.com.au • Share
Gartner's Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2017 - Smarter With Gartner
Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and smart things promise an intelligent future.
www.gartner.com • Share
not bad for whole security market, tougher sledding for appliance as move to different solutions and problems in security…
Shoring up of under-invested areas like Cloud, data, app, endpoint, identity, and behavioral analytics is better poised to benefit from incremental security dollars here out, in our view.
IBM Watson to Bring 'Cognitive Assistant' Capabilities to Slack - The New Stack
will be interesting to see how MSFT responds - next battleground is not team communications but assistance, automation
thenewstack.io • Share
By Ed Sim
Ed Sim's weekly readings and notes on VC, software, and scaling startups - #enterprise #seed #DeveloperFirst #IntelligentAutomation #DataInfra #CloudNative #Cybersecurity
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