Ed Sim - Issue #21
great roundup this week - i had a great time participating on CXO Talk discussing AI, solid discussion on priced seed vs converts, and a solid read on what ifs for Trello
Building AI: A Software Maker's Perspective | CXOTALK
I had the opportunity to talk about our approach to AI with Michel Krigsman from CXO Talk and boldstart portfolio co founders Sean Chou from Catalytic and Keith Brisson from Init.ai
www.cxotalk.com • Share

Kustomer: Transforms The Way Your Team Operates With Intelligent CRM
what is CRM for support, interesting to see how Brad Birnbaum and Kustomer are positioning as new expanded category - worth reading as Brad and Jeremy previously founded assist.ly which Salesforce bought and became Desk.com
Scaling Startups
Why Trello Failed to Build a $1 Billion+ Business – Product Habits
couldn’t cross chasm to be system of record, others like Asana and Git copied but I would argue incredibly capital efficient with only $10mm raised and over $400mm exit
Convertible and SAFE Notes – AVC
food for thought from Fred Wilson of Union Square Ventures on why he believes Convertible and Safe Notes screw founders - i, for one, am happy to do both but prefer priced rounds if founder raises over a $1.5-2mm
Don’t Start a Customer Relationship with a Lie | Kellblog
well said, if it says free trial don’t put me in touch with AE - clearly CAC for SaaS is going up
kellblog.com • Share
Enterprise Tech
add-on framework for gmail is a huge deal, esp for enterprise apps - can stay in gmail and add to salesforce, etc
venturebeat.com • Share
Now We Know Why Microsoft Bought LinkedIn – Backchannel
huge deal - Reid Hoffman to join Microsoft board - culture at MSFT changing and this is a big move!
backchannel.com • Share
Cloudera Said to Tap Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan, BofA for IPO - Bloomberg
enterprise IPO market heating up - firsr mulesoft filed, then Alteryx, and now Cloudera
fascinating look at long term impact of AI on society….The source of authority in the world is shifting from humans and their stories to algorithms going over big data. And we see more and more all around us how more authority is invested in the algorithms. If you apply to the bank for a loan, chances are your fate is decided by an algorithm. And even the bank doesn’t understand why the algorithm decided not to give you a loan.
blogs.wsj.com • Share
Random, thought provoking, or plain fun...
1 MIN READING: The fisherman and the businessman
food for thought…
By Ed Sim
Ed Sim's weekly readings and notes on VC, software, and scaling startups - #enterprise #seed #DeveloperFirst #IntelligentAutomation #DataInfra #CloudNative #Cybersecurity
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