Ed Sim - Issue #14
great reads on open source business models and why one company failed and one is changing its pricing; lots on voice and enterprise
Scaling Startups
Spending 10 Minutes a Day on Mindfulness Subtly Changes the Way You React to Everything
Advice on how to be a better leader, mindfulness to be less reactive, more proactive
Enterprise Tech
for any dev tools company, great overview of why rethinkdb failed and lessons learned
How We're Building a Business to Last | Blog | Cockroach Labs
great article on open source biz models. true that the Plus Services from Red Hat is old school and new ways are needed but quite a delicate balance on what is free and paid.
www.cockroachlabs.com • Share
Blockchain’s brilliant approach to cybersecurity | VentureBeat |
how the blockchain can be used for security
voice is all the rage but still a problem, retention - similar to mobile app world
www.recode.net • Share
Q&A with SalesForce’s head of M&A John Somorjai | Fortune.com
what’s hot and not in terms of M&A for salesforce
fortune.com • Share
When we started boldstart in 2010, a core thesis of ours was to invest in next-gen SaaS which we called SaaS 2.0 at the time and best…Continue reading on boldstart ventures »
medium.com • Share
By Ed Sim
Ed Sim's weekly readings and notes on VC, software, and scaling startups - #enterprise #seed #DeveloperFirst #IntelligentAutomation #DataInfra #CloudNative #Cybersecurity
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